Today in the Agnus Dei mailbox the hermit discovered a large envelope marked with the Diocese seal!
Inside was the photograph of the Bishop and the hermit taken at the Marriage Anniversary Mass.
No, the hermit is not married to a mortal but is espoused to Christ.
Perhaps this has been shared already, of how the hermit crashed the reception following the Mass at which the hermit was Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion. That was the day in which the hugely distressing and confronting phone call came shortly before leaving for the Mass. After the Mass, when the Bishop announced the reception and mentioned "champagne", the hermit felt inspired to go, mortally unwed or no.
After two glasses of champagne and connecting with a couple celebrating 25 years, the hermit yearned (again but in a different way) to have a photo taken with the Bishop, as the couples lined up, prepping their mugs.
The couple took pity on my plight and said I could be photographed with them. But when their turn came, the Bishop did not seem to comprehend the bubbly moment. I declined to join the couple. But the man whispered my desire to the Bishop.
After the photographer snapped the shot, the Bishop looked over at me with a jolt of renewed tolerance, and said, "All right, ****, come on over here and have your picture taken with me."
Only the Most Holy Trinity, the Blessed Mother and all the angels and saints would know what reserve of decorum was granted the Bishop in that moment to endure me, a singleton oddball, dressed in lovely black with black lace, for the occasion.
Yes, I think I wrote previously how the photographer, discerning me without a (visible) spouse, asked my phone number, which was not granted, not granted like the Bishop granted the hermit a photo-opp.
So the photo arrived today, and with it a little note printed "Compliments of Bishop *****".
The hermit stood it on top of the coffin-sum-comfort chest and orchid display, which alters as a kind of altar. In analyzing the photo, the hermit sees a shadow behind the Bishop's head, and is reminded that Jesus would certainly be there with the hermit and the Bishop, of course. The shadow is but a reminder of His Presence.
Then, as both the Bishop and the hermit wore black, also noticed for the first time is the juxtaposition of the hermit's large crucifix and the Bishop's pectoral cross--both beside each other over our hearts, our heights the same, and yet another reminder of the Two Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
Yes, it is a lovely photo, and a treasured keepsake and momento, and perhaps one to request be blessed. But probably not to ask the Bishop to do that, no. The photo is very likely the first and last photo of the hermit with the Bishop.