Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Catholic Hermit Begs St. Antony's Intercessions

A friend who is perhaps more the hermit, forced somewhat into her home by the struggles with an illness, writes her opinion in an e-mail; we visit via e-mail.

"...the life  of St. Antony the
Abbot: He went and lived as a hermit for many many years
before he became an abbot. I mean he was REALLY a
hermit--lived for years isolated, and fought the hardest of
temptations: himself. Please read his biography (it
should be on the net. From his life, it is apparent that
the hermitic [sic] life came years before any public recognition.

I've read the biography and mailed it off a year or so ago to a lapsed Catholic friend who's birthday is today--his Feast Day! But this is a good reminder to ponder St. Antony's life. Today at Mass, besides praying for the friend who lives far from the Church now as well as geographically, the nothing begged St. Antony to intercede, to help this hermit in 2008 live the life God desires, that the vows have stated, that the rule of life spells out.

The confessor this morning said that the prayer is placed before God that He give the Catholic hermit an answer regarding the writing, which is coming down to a fork in the path on the mountain climb: public or private? Seems like hermits are constantly called to this choice!

St. Antony renounced the world and went into the desert. Is the internet a desert? One can argue either way, for it is a kind of space without boundaries other than legal boundaries, of course. This, too, is what hermits face in law and spirit of the law. Seems as if the internet can be private or public, depending upon identity.

One of the Catholic hermit's adult children is a computer consultant--actually is one of about 40 in the country with a particular specialization. (Is this an acceptable pride--to rejoice in the success of another? I pray so!) This adult child says there are ways, of course, that identity may be broken, even on the internet, on blogs. In fact, for the hermit, there has been an observation of seeming extreme following. Are the excessive log-ons interested in the writing out of healthy interest, or curiosity, or for ill intent? Or, is it what I have tongue-in-cheek to a couple of times: the hermit police?

The police benefit society, for they help bring justice, help defend, and also protect. The Catholic hermit appreciates, really, the bringing up of thoughts misstated, incorrect, or questions about this or that. Yes, questions are always good. The detective asked many questions. The Catholic hermit asks many questions, and mulls through matters, and prays for guidance, and gets it. We all get answered prayers.

Another adult child is adept in this type of work, and has helped the hermit in the past to gain a perspective and handle on doing undercover work for the Lord. This adult child has been in secret work for an arm of the government.

The other adult child is in a position of public view as journalist. This has been of benefit in other ways, as already pondered.

In all, a hermit can utilize the world in order to transfer the ways of the world, the good of careers and techniques--over to the spiritual life.

Is the internet too much world, or is it spiritual space? That is something the Catholic hermit ponders today while praying for many intentions given in the past couple of days, of needs of people out in the world. Also, the Staretz has written of that oneness, of learning to pray and be one with the world, with those living and dead and yet to come into being.

St. Antony and the Lord have heard the prayer request. An answer is forthcoming.

Conglomeration vegetable soup is simmering; the mission work of editing awaits the hermit's prayerful efforts--this, too, via internet. As in the neighborhood, people in the bloggerworld could take anything written and use it for ill, to twist as the neighbors twisted matters in order to discredit, or to support as others came to the support and counsel, or to clarify as the detective kindly yet professionaly interviewed, took notes, got facts.

It will be interesting to learn what God and St. Antony decide--and St. Antony based upon what God decides, of course! St. Antony is one with God in God's will and perceives clearly from his heavenly vantage.