Yes, the hermit is not to go out into the world, not seeking, but to live in stricter separation from the world, in assiduous prayer and penance!
Reading more of St. Silouan last night, the hermit was calmed and brought quickly around once again to the spiritual view. St. Silouan is progressing deeply in the spiritual life, in these pages read, and the hermit will write of them later.
But now, the hermit shares what the confessor advised this morning, and that is still to protect myself. The hermit did not want to, not after reading St. Silouan. The confessor (and not the hermit's regular one, but a priest well-versed in life and the Church) said I must read the Gospel of St. John over the next two days, and within it will find that the second time Jesus sent the disciples out, he told them to take a sword. He wants me to pray about this matter, for he still thinks I need to deal with the injustice of the defamation and the problem with someone who he is even more convinced suffers from mental illness. The confessor also added his emphasis on the demonic involved in this. Well, yes, the spiritual da had said that immediately: "Sheer evil! It's the devil!"
The hermit pointed out to the confessor that Jesus did replace the ear and did not want fighting, for it would hinder His mission. The confessor said, and the hermit agrees, that one must pray and ask what is the mission here with these souls who are instable and have caused others to threaten harm.
By the grace of God, the hermit is given such peace and joy! How beautiful are the writings of St. John!
Again, the hermit is not to go out into the world, the world, seeking; but God surely and beautifully brings the world, the world to the hermit!