The adult son called. The paper is going to print his letter. He apologized but said he had to use the nothing's name. He gave some credibility with the credentials, and a bit of background. He crunched the issue, pounded it out, hard-hitting and no-mincing. He took the paper to task for not investigating the truth, took the neighborhood to task for believing it and not ever simply coming to the door to ask, and laid out the situation next door as between individuals over what was unjustified to begin with.
He suggested that people come to get to know his nothing parent! Well, I laughed about this with the cousin, for the cousin said maybe I'd have a stream of people to the door now. Dear God in Heaven, the nothing hopes not--but only as God may will and desire. Nothing must always be open to anything God wills.
Being a coward, the nothing hopes and prays that this will not escalate matters, since the detective has had his talk with the folks next door.
So, we wait. An adult daughter, her husband and baby are coming from a distance on the morrow. They are a bit concerned, to say the least. But, we must trust and be assured that God is handling this well, and that only good will come for everyone.