During the night, the hermit was shown a corrected view from within the Sacred Heart.
What does Jesus see?
In addition to the goodness and love, to seeing the hope in souls--of the capabilities of souls to experience the Three Conversions of the spiritual life--there is also another view.
The hermit was shown the sins of the world. Depravity upon depravity: evil and taint. Total disregard for holiness, the opposite of good, ignorance of God, disdain for other souls through self-absorption in banal, surface activities and thoughts, endeavors swirling, in addition to daily and nightly perversities.
There were all kinds of perversities; confusion stirred metaphorically, and actions went awry. People were ignorant and stupid--and unaware of depth. There was also sheer evil, but without souls thinking their actions to be evil...like a kind of glossed over evil without remorse, for they didn't even see the gross wrongs. Then there were others who attempted to do something good but stirred it up and there was taint in it, all the same, for some aspects of the soul had taint. Some had grotesque sexual deviancies and attachment to their sexuality. Then there were others with disorder, and trying to clear it up without doing it properly--just rushing through, covering things over.
The way to view from within His Heart remains the same: with a view of love and mercy and hope. But what is seen is not so good, not always. Much is good, but the other must be viewed; and the antidote seems to be prayer and penance, and offering oneself to be utilized in the work of reparation.
Anyway, the hermit finds that being in a store is a microcosm of the world, and for the most part, it is clutter, disorder, stuff, junk, some necessities and some good, but otherwise a delusion--and nearly an illusion. For the most part, it brings unrest to the soul and unless the soul is imbedded in the Sacred Heart and only there for a specified need, the soul is weakened "in the womb." Many of life's experiences could fall into this category--television and movies can do this to the soul: that not of holy intent nor of holy content.
What is "perverse"? It is the turn from what is good and right: to turn from ordered love.
Those genderless souls, in their nothingness, who nest within the Sacred Heart of Jesus look out upon the world with the love of Jesus, with the love and mercy of His sight--but with the reality of what He sees.
Even the embryo within the womb is not perfect.
This morning, the hermit looks out upon the pristine snow: the first snowfall at Agnus Dei. Lake Immaculata is not yet frozen over.
Two ten-day-old bran muffins are the breakfast fare, and a cup of coffee, no sugar or cream. It is time for prayer and penance within the Sacred Heart of Jesus. We will pray and sacrifice in love, viewing the world and all in it, greeting whatever transpires momentarily through the day and night, with mercy.
There is hope in the view, despite the sorrows of the world.