The hermit continues to nest within the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord...because He Who is mighty hath done great things to the Hermit, and Holy is His Name.
At times the hermit remains ever still and ponders the goodness of God. Why did the hermit struggle so, for so many years? It all seems foolishness now--even incomprehensible. The hermit has no answer. But now, the Lord has made the bestowal.
A few months ago when the hermit was fussing and fretting and struggling, mis-thinking that the hermit needed to be canonically approved and this and that, one day the word "bestowal" was heard within, from without; and the hermit thought that what was needed was a "bestowal" by the Church, ie. canonical approval.
The hermit then realized the Church was not going to bestow that or anything else; and since the Church is God's Bride, God ordained this decision of the Bishop and the Vicar General. The hermit felt that the word "bestowal" came for a purpose, though, and that something would be bestowed. Then the hermit forgot about it for awhile.
Since, a great peace that passeth all understanding feel upon Agnus Dei and the hermit within. Then the hermit came to comprehend that the hermit as a genderless soul, in nothingness, was somehow actually existing--nesting--within the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The hermit has written of this, as best one could describe something living and breathing and ever-evolving.
The Feast of the Immaculate Conception brought yesterday a very special Mass at the Cathedral. It was a Jubilee Mass of meaningful import, and the Bishop presided and spoke of Pope Benedict XVI's new encyclical on hope. After Mass, the hermit greeted the Bishop along with many, and the hermit viewed and experienced and spoke and listened as is increasingly the mode: from within the Sacred Heart.
At times it is inconceivable that God should be so kind to the poor hermit who has been a pain to God, and stubborn to His will, and complaining and peevish to His sons of the Church, and complaining and peevish to his children in and outside the Church.
But the hermit approached the Bishop, and there was bestowed by God a sweet kiss on the cheek, a message of God's love from within the Sacred Heart. It was a grace seen coming in advance and brief in passing, but eternal in message of much love and pleasure that the hermit is finally where God desires: in His Heart. Submissive and surrendered: growing in silence, solitude, slowness, suffering, selflessness, simplicity, stability, stillness, and serenity. The Nine S's come naturally within His Heart; they are the nutrients of His Heart's environs.
The hermit drifted back to the pew to pray. The Bishop later walked by, in creeping steps of the weariness of over 50 years as priest and a bulk of these as Bishop. He slowed and turned to the hermit, and the hermit said, "May I tell you something quite humbling?" He nodded assent. The hermit explained that [the hermit], as a genderless soul, in nothingness, for some time now, has nested within the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The hermit said, "That is why when you asked me how I am, I said I am doing very well--and more than what I deserve!"
The hermit is overwhelmed with the reality that the hermit does not deserve to nest within the Sacred Heart. "Do you understand?" the hermit asked? "There is such bliss, but yet I am only learning this view. When I see, it is from within His Heart. When I eat, it is from within His Heart. When I pray, it is from within His Heart....When I sin, it is from within His Heart--and that makes my sin all the more terrible!"
The Bishop nodded in understanding! He understood--this great Bishop of the Church. He said to the hermit, "This is a very special gift."
"And this is for everyone," the hermit continued. "I want everyone to be in the Sacred Heart. I want all souls to experience this, and I want them to experience it young in life--and I don't know why I took so long to come to this, to simply see that Jesus wants us all to nest within His Sacred Heart, to accept that this is where we are to exist!"
But the Bishop shook his head and said that this only comes to only a few souls in life, but in heaven many will come to it. Yet the hermit persisted, "But Jesus desires all souls to be in His Heart!" and the Bishop again said, "Not all can have this gift in this life."
Then he straightened, as he had leaned down while the hermit was whispering this undeserved wonder, kneeling in the pew, and he spoke from the strength of the Office, and of the power of his life lived in total sacrifice for the Church, for our souls, and said, "This gift God has given you is to be FOR THE CHURCH!"
The hermit said, "Yes, I pray that I be an immolation for souls!" To which the Bishop leaned down again and said, "Yes, this is good." And the hermit said, "The Lord has BESTOWED this upon me. He has BESTOWED it." The Bishop nodded again, and softely said, "Yes."
Then the hermit told the Bishop, "I have had a dream, and this time you were in it, Bishop." He glanced the question, so the hermit continued, "Yes, you annointed me with the Holy Oils--you gave me the Sacrament of the Annointing of the Sick." The Bishop cocked his head and nodded, and the hermit added, "and this means I am going to have more suffering--but it will be from within the Sacred Heart of Jesus."
As he turned to leave, he told the hermit to be sure to read the Pope's latest encyclical on hope, for within it there is much on suffering. Yes, the hermit is reminded not only of this encyclical, but of one in 1956 and one in 1928--on suffering, on offering sufferings, of offering to suffer in reparation and with the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
As the hermit settled back into prayer, the joy seemed too much. The Lord has given too much to the unworthy hermit, and the hermit begged Jesus to please let all souls come and nest within His Heart. Why, it did not seem fair, what the Bishop said, that only a few are given this gift in this lifetime.
The hermit pondered: if only the hermit could explain about being a genderless soul, and of being nothing, and of nesting within the Sacred Heart of Jesus--to explain to people, to all souls--how this is and how it is for everyone, that anyone could have this, then maybe everyone could nest in His Heart and experience this bliss.
But no, soon the hermit realized that even trying to express it would be often misunderstood. The hermit had mentioned the peace and contentment to a couple of cousins who inquired in phone calls as to how the hermit was doing, and they were unused to this way of being, this peace and joy. They simply responded in rote form, "I'm happy for you." They did not seem to desire this, to find out how this could be! Others in passing have been commenting to the hermit that the hermit seems so peaceful--more peaceful than in years--and the hermit has tried to explain about the Lord's bestowal of deep peace and joy, despite the on-going pain--for some also ask if the pain is lessened or gone away. No, it is this bestowal and of being a genderless soul, in nothingness, nesting within the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
How could a Protestant comprehend this--they who squirm at mention of the Sacred Heart and who in many cases have never seen an artist's rendering of visionaries visions, of Jesus revealing His Sacred Heart? How could Catholics comprehend that which is so interior and private, except those who have experienced it likewise and wisely remained still, for it is a bestowal that in itself exists in silence, solitude, slowness, suffering, selflessness, simplicity, stability, stillness, and serenity.
It is an incomprehensible, an immutable, ineffable--
I ask, anyone who reads this, if but one soul, please consider what it is to be a genderless soul, in nothingness, nesting within the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Please pray for this, and ask for whatever is necessary to have this gift bestowed upon you. Especially ask, those of you who are like this hermit-- not anyone important, not deserving this, not really understanding it but willing to nest and learn and grow within this Heart, and still a sinner but being reformed and transformed from the view and ways of the Sacred Heart.
This is the end goal, to begun at the beginning, all over again, even if late in life.
How could the hermit ever have comprehended that the Lord meant this bestowal, this glorious bestowal of nothingness, nesting in His Sacred Heart forever and ever? How could the hermit ever desire anything more, for there is nothing more to desire. No bestowals of the hermit's asking, such as for canonical approval, could compare to the surprise bestowals of God.